Marble Obelisks

Marble Obelisks of Various Forms

Handed down to us by the ancient Egyptians, the obelisk in its various forms, marbles and sizes, is the item of furniture par excellence.

The craft work that distinguishes this object is visible at our headquarters in Pietrasanta, where you can admire and evaluate many forms and measures of an ancient cult object, unharmed through centuries of history, revised and reinterpreted by famous sculptors, visible in the most important squares of the world.

Le Pietre Srl

Via Aurelia Nord, 78
C/O Favret
55045 Pietrasanta (LU) - Italia
P.Iva 01580890463
REA LU-151971
C.S. 10.400,00€

We receive by appointment only
Le Pietre Srl is Art
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